Hair Salon SEO, Tax Credits and The Habits of Football Stars

If you work in a hair salon, either as an employee or an independent contractor, your taxes can get quite messy at the end of tax season. Depending on the agreement, you have with your employer, you may be …

Everything You Should Know About Hair Salon Tax Credits

Hair Tax Deductions photo
Photo by Chloë Rae

Small business owners should be aware of all tax credits while operating their business. Hairdressers have the same responsibilities like any other professionals. They need to collect and separate tax information in order to work under …

Black Beauty Hair Care that attracts!

Caring for African American hair photo
Photo by celebrityabc

Caring for African American hair properly can be a bit of a challenge. Thankfully, Black Beauty hair care is available for help. Black hair is naturally drier, so weekly washings are adequate. Adding more washes will only …