If you work in a hair salon, either as an employee or an independent contractor, your taxes can get quite messy at the end of tax season. Depending on the agreement, you have with your employer, you may be able to deduct some of your expenses as tax credits. However, knowing which expenses you are allowed to deduct from your taxes can be tricky. Are you able to deduct Hair Salon SEO? If you file it wrong, the least of your worries will be the loss of your license. This article is designed to help you figure out what you can legally deduct from your taxes.

For starters, you will need to figure out whether you fall into the category of employee or independent contractor. If you are hired by the establishment and don’t pay rent or floor space fees then you are classified as an employee. The salon you work for will probably give you a pay check at the end of the month and they are responsible for calculating and deducting your tax payments. However, in your own interest, you should keep proper records of all finances and tax deductions. If on the other hand, you are not employed by the establishment and instead pay for floor space to work in the place, you are regarded as an independent contractor. Most hair experts fall into this category. In some states, you need to have a license to be allowed to work as an independent contractor but even if you don’t have one, for tax reasons, you will be regarded as a contractor.
It pays to keep really good records of all your expenses. You may want to keep copies of all your receipts for purchases made in the line of your job in order to show proof of payment. If you are not good at keeping receipts, another alternative is to make all payments by cheque or a credit card. This way your bank statement will show a record of the transaction and you can use it as evidence when filing for tax deductions. Get an invoice from your SEO company for all the expenses you have paid for Hair Salon SEO.
Any money you get paid whether in cash or check should be added up. The total is your gross income. You will fill in your gross income on the schedule C part of your tax forms if you are a contractor or on Schedule A if you are an employee. You will need to subtract your expenses from your gross income to determine how much of your income you’re supposed to pay tax on. You can subtract floor space or rent, the cost of equipment like scissors and combs (unless your employer reimburses you for them), the cost of licenses, the cost of chemicals like hair dyes and shampoo that you use and a few other expenses necessary for you to carry out your job. After you deducted all these from your gross income, you now arrive at your taxable income. It is important to be able to show proof of payment for all your deductions. Tax authorities can demand to see them. Hence the need for receipts and annotated bank statements. Your tax is calculated based on your taxable income and not your gross income. If you are uncertain about how much tax you owe the Government or have trouble calculating your taxable income, please contact a financial expert as soon as possible. They will charge you for sorting out your tax but the peace of mind you will gain knowing the IRS is not about to come knocking on your door asking why the government is being shortchanged by you is worth it.
Hair Salon SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
If your salon does not, show up on the first page of google, no one will be able to find you online. When customers do a search, they tend to focus on the top 3 results on the first page. If your hair salon is not in that region, you might as well not exist online. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to improve your search ranking on google:
1. Make sure your website looks good on mobile. Most customers own a smartphone these days and about 80% of searches are from mobile. If your site is not optimized for mobile, they are not going to stick around long enough to find out what makes you great.
2. Think about the words or phrases your customers are likely to look for and write good articles about them on your site and blog. The more relevant terms your site has, the more likely it is to have a higher ranking.
3. Make sure your salon’s location is registered on google so customers can easily find it using google maps. Nobody wants to spend two hours looking for a salon in an unfamiliar neighborhood. If they can’t get directions to it, they will find another one.
4. Write a very good meta description with relevant terms. A meta is a short description of about 160 characters that tells what your website is all about. It also shows up on google searches so use as many relevant terms as possible. Make sure it contains words like hairdresser, hairstylist’ and services you offer.
Football Player Hair Routines
Many sports fans tend to have a fixation with football players. At the end of the game, when they take off their helmets and are about to give an interview, one thing people notice is their hair. Whether stylistically waxed or spiked to stand at an odd angle, there is no denying that hair has seen its fair share of beauty care products. However, if there is a standard product that is being used by Football players around the world, they are yet to share it with us. The truth is most football players don’t know what hair care product they use anyway. It’s a non-issue for them but you don’t have to take our word for it. Elle.com cornered three football players to ask them about their grooming practices, you can find out what they said below:

Mark Schlereth, Former NFL player recently turned football commentator has great hair. However, when asked if he uses a specific product. He replied that he changes brands every so often that he couldn’t say what he was currently using. Pressed for further details, he admitted he only washed his hair with soap but didn’t add anything else to it.
Kirk Cousins, a quarterback was just as much help. He admitted to not knowing anything about hair products but rather relied on his fiancee’s expertise in that area to help him select an appropriate product. If you are looking to duplicate his clean-shaven look, you better have a fiancée that knows a lot about hair care because Cousins does not. He did admit he pays more attention to his hair as a professional than he did while playing college football. The reason: people noticed.
Jamal Charles, a running back is the one who admitted to using many products to take care of his straight long hair. He has a stylist who he trusts to treat his hair with lots of products, all natural. He also keeps hairspray in his bag and is also big on cologne.
Perhaps just like the rest of us, football players also fall into the category of those who pay attention to their hair and those who do not. Yet, they will continue to get plenty of attention for what they do to their hair. Maybe if you got famous too people would notice your hair regardless whether you take care of it or not.